Clash Day

Tuesday's Theme was: "Drugs and I Don't Match!" So, we were to wear clothes that don't match. In the past, we often would call this "Clash Day". 


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A group of  Eagles show their spirit in front of a Red Ribbon banner.

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Clashing in Band.


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Cory, Austin, and Ryan blend right in.

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As Casie and Amy show, you can always count on your friends to carry you through tough times!

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Jamie and Olivia pause from their hectic schedule to display their clashing clothes.

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Kim is ready to jam!!!



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These girls are PROUD to clash!


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Brian can't figure it out. He dresses like this every day!


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These people clash so well, they're hard to look at! 


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David's stylin'!


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Stephanie, Dani, and Kaylee unite against drugs.

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"Hi, Steph!!" 

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Check out these socks!!



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A rare shot of  Mr. Hatfield teaching. (What I mean here is that he avoids the camera at all costs! Really!)


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And here, Mr. Hatfield is about to demonstrate how to dismantle a camera in the quickest way possible. "Take pictures of me, will ya? Gimme that camera!!"


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