Band Concerts

"Winter Concert"

On Monday, December 9, Mrs. MacRae conducted her first concerts for the Cedar Grove-Belgium Middle School. I was unable to get spectacular photos from my seat, but I snapped a few anyway.


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Middle School Concert

The Middle School Bands and Choirs put on a brief concert on the afternoon of Thursday, December 19. Here are a few Band pictures from that joyous event.

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Here are the pictures Mr. Dick donated!

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Final Band concert of the year! These are pictures from the May 12 concert.

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Gina, Dani, and Kim perform their trio that earned them a 1st place at the Solo & Ensemble.

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Standing are all the 8th graders who performed at Solo & Ensemble.

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Standing in the picture are all those who earned a 1st place gold medal at Solo & Ensemble.

Click here for some video clips of the performances!!!!


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